MorphGlobalContext is a type of context variable that can be given as an argument to functions that can be executed in Morph.

The context can automatically receive data from Morph annotations and receive results from other functions or arguments from external sources.

dataStores the output results of functions annotated with @morph.load_data.
varsStores the arguments of functions annotated with @morph.variables.
user_infoStores information about the logged-in user. (Only available in the cloud)

Information of the Logged-in User

context.user_info stores information about the logged-in user. This allows you to build flexible data applications that display different data for each logged-in user.

	"user_id": "xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx",
	"email": "",
	"username": "shibata",
	"first_name": "naoto",
	"last_name": "shibata",
	"roles": ["Admin", "Developer"]

Example Usage

By adding the load_data and variables annotations, you can receive context as an argument in functions. Please refer to the respective documentation pages for how to use these functions.

import pandas as pd

import morph
from morph import MorphGlobalContext

    description="Example Python cell",
def get_data_from_database(context: MorphGlobalContext):
	sql_result_df =["example_sql_cell"]
	var1_data = context.vars["var1"]
	return pd.DataFrame({})